Gastro cruise to Vienna

99.00 € BUY TICKET

Welcome on board! During the cruise, the panorama of the quays in Bratislava, Devín and Hainburg attracts all the attention. They are surrounded by the surrounding mountains, romantic castle ruins and city walls. The beautiful scenery continues all the way to Vienna, offering an almost unbroken picture of floodplain forests, river arms and coastal meadows with fishing huts and romantic nooks and crannies. The cruise ends by sailing through the locks of the Freudenau waterworks in Vienna itself and then stopping at Handelskai.

Travel schedule 2024

15.06. 2024 / 6.07. 2024 / 27.7.2024 / 17.8.2024 / 29.08.2024 / 28.9.2024

Bratislava departure

07:00 am

Vienna arrival

14:00 pm

FREE TIME 14:00 - 18:00 pm

Vienna departure

18:00 pm

Bratislava arrival

21:00 pm


During the cruise, breakfast, lunch and dinner are served. It is included in the ticket price.


Breakfast 8:30 – 9:30 AM
100g Sandwich with salami, rocket salad, fresh vegetable
100g Strawberry espuma stuffed croissant
Water with lemon slices

Lunch 11:30 AM – 1 PM
0,25l Chicken broth
Main course
350g Pork stroganoff, rice
300g Penne all´Arrabbiata with cherry tomatoes and pecorino

Dinner 7:30 – 9 PM
0,25l Minestrone
Main course
350g Chicken steak, dried tomato sauce, baked potatoes
300g Grilled encian cheese, roasted potatoes

There are also other desserts and snacks on offer that you can buy throughout the day.

Ticket price

Return ticket
Adults € 99,00
Children 2 - 15 € 79,00
One-way ticket Bratislava-Vienna Vienna-Bratislava
Adults € 79,00 € 79,00
Children 2 - 15 € 69,00 € 69,00

Minimum 100 passengers is required for the cruise to happen.


  • Written reservation is mandatory for groups bigger than 10. 
  • Option to book a guide (in foreign language) for groups bigger than 10. Price and more information in travel agancy.

Important information:

  • Boarding starts 15 minutes before the departure of the boat!
  • Children under 2 years of age stay free of charge and they are not allowed to occupy their own seat.
  • All passengers must have a valid passport or ID card / children under 15 must have their own passport /
  • Pets are not allowed on the boat.
  • Internet tickets can be bought at the latest 24 hours before the cruise. In case that it´s not possible to buy them more than 24 hourse before the cruise, it means that the cruise is full or there is clossed society. In case that you want to buy a ticket later then 24 hours before, we advice you to contact us via phone: +421 252 932 226 or via email:

  • General Transport Terms and Conditions are part of the Cruise Timetable 2023. Slovak Shipping and Ports – Passenger Shipping, Inc., reserves the right to change prices, terms and schedules in view of facts not known at the closing time of the Cruise Timetable 2024.

99.00 € BUY TICKET